Saturday, June 21, 2008

Maybe Tomorrow....

The CT scan showed that JT's ventricles are "swollen" so the ventric tube has to stay in for another day - but will remain clamped. JT will make the trip down for another CT on Sunday and the ventricles will be re-evaluated.

Now, are they "swollen" because the fluid is not draining down the spine? Or are his ventricles just normally that way? There aren't any other symptoms of elevated pressure - headaches & nausea. But, in the end, it's better to keep it in another day than run the risk of having to go to the OR and put another tube in.

Talk to you later....

p.s. We finally made it outside today!

1 comment:

pixie said...

Finally just figured out how to respond to your blog, which I check all the time.You all are in our thoughts & prayers.If you need anything, paleez yell! I wanted to send over something for James, but heard his room is full. Is there something he needs or would love? Is little Jack is doing okay!!!
Hope scan goes smoothly tomorrow!
Fireworks sound super...OOOOO Pixie & DB