Friday, June 20, 2008

Long Day....

James has just now fallen asleep. It's been a long day. But good day. The alertness that was there yesterday made some appearances, but there was more grogginess. Part of that is the fact that he is being forced to sit up in chairs and walk to the bathroom. Then there was the mental stress of the CT scan this afternoon - at which he was a champ. Bottom line is, though, he's focusing a ton of energy on healing.

Dr. Wilson, in looking at the back of JT's head, was pretty confident that the ventric tube could come out. He just wanted to see the CT first. Since we live by "hospital time" that may happen tomorrow. May not. Only time - well, hospital time - will tell.

Clearly the toughest part of the day was as James lay in bed this evening he confided that he misses Jack. I wondered if he meant the same little guy who bugs the ever-living crap out of him at home or if he meant someone else. It's the little guy. We assured him that sooner, rather than later, he'll be back home ....and Jack will be bugging the ever-living crap out of him.

Lastly, I wanted to thank those few people who came in and met with Dr. Larsen and Deb from MCCP. It's not that Jennifer and I couldn't have told you each the same information, but I guess it we wanted you to feel connected to the people who are becoming part of our family (and by association yours). Thanks for listening.

Love to you all...


keith and Amy said...

Hey guys
The group from Holliston is saying hello. We want you guys to know we are thinking of you and praying like crazy for you and the doctors wisdom. We are greatfully that you guys keep us informed through this blog and like to see that Don still has his hummor. We are truly amazed at the strength you have shown. Words cannot express the saddness we feel that you are being faced with this unthinkable situation. We will keep checking for updates and hope for only positive news from here on out. You are constantly in our hearts and prayers.
with love Keith and Amy

Memere said...

thanks for the blog it helps to keep us all informed. Please tell James that we were thinking of him on the last day of school & missed his smiling face & blue eyes. I hope he enjoyed looking in his bag of art, photo album, papers. We are all thinking & praying for him.
Love, Memere