Sunday, June 22, 2008

Good Sunday Morning....

JT and I were awoken by the nurse early this morning for J's follow-up CT scan. After returning and finishing up breakfast one of the on-duty neurosurgeons came up, reviewed the pics and told us that the ventriculostomy can come out.

The ventricles are still appear "swollen", but, the Doc told us the brain is not very elastic and we really could be looking at James' baseline since he's lived with the tumor. The decision comes down to weighing risk factors: The longer the ventric is in the greater risk for infection vs. taking it out and running the risk of elevating pressure (water on the brain). Considering that JT's been clamped (no drainage) since Thursday morning and has shown no signs of pressure (he makes about a pint of fluid a day) the decision is to pull it. We are psyched to be free of tubes.

We're off to PT right now. More as the day progresses. Love to you all.

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