Sunday, September 28, 2008

Thank You, One and All...

We'd like to take a moment to give a heartfelt thanks to everyone who walked Saturday morning in support of the Maine Children's Cancer Program. Three teams, in particular, had very close ties to James - JT's Trekkers (Portland), Diversified Business Communications (Portland) and JT's B-ham Trekkers (Brunswick). Thank you very, very much for all of your contributions, fundraising and involvement. Cliche, I know, but without your help many, many things might not be possible.

As of this morning there was just under $50,000 raised online. "Our" three teams accounted for just over $7500 of that total (online monies only). Calculated out...we accounted for 15% of the total raised! Wow. You guys are great.

Without each of your help the "little things" would be much harder to support and keep going. And it's the little things that help make MCCP such a special place. Whether it be the video games, stickers or a small toys, each and every little thing, hopefully, helps the medicine go down a little easier, the needle pricks sting a little less and the long hours of IV therapy go a little faster.

A thousand thank-yous to each and everyone involved yesterday. You are all amazing!

I hope that you all enjoy the last hours of the weekend!
dct, jet, jpt & jwt

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