Monday, September 29, 2008

Snap Shots....

Here are a few pictures from today and one from yesterday...

Pill swallowing practice. He did amazing.

Lego building just after admitting.

Needle accessed in his new medi-port. Ready for fluids!

Nintendo DS coma.

Here comes a chemo drug - Vincristine.



JCM said...

Thanks for the pics... and tell James that Sam wishes James had stowed away in the van and come home with me.

Love to all,
-jenn and the boys

Unknown said...

Update?! How's The Boy holding up? Thinking about you all an awful lot and can't express how appreciative we are for DCT's "visit" yesterday...

The Bath Taylors

mebwatson said...

Hi Don, Jenn, Jack and James, just wanted to extend some positive energy as James' chemo treatments continue. Our family continues to think of you all often and we're sending wishes that only good things come your way.
~ Maggie Watson