Monday, August 11, 2008

Another Infection.....

Tonight finds JT back at Barbara Bush Children's Hospital. The difference this time, room 635.

During the past 24 hours JT has been fighting a cough and a spiking temperature. Last night Jenn and I spent a lot of time checking on JT and watching his temp go up and down. At one point around 3am we decided that we'd take him in but at the last moment his temp dropped and we stayed home. This morning at radiation therapy his temp remained in the normal range but he developed some upper respiratory congestion which complicated the overall therapy. While JT was never in any trouble the situation did prompt his nurse, fondly referred to as Auntie Judy, to call Maine Children's Cancer and ask that he be evaluated prior to being discharged for the day. She didn't want us to leave, go to the clinic only to be turned around and drive back to the hospital.

After a quick exam and consult it was decided that JT would leave Maine Med and go to his scheduled chemo appointment at the clinic in Scarborough. While at the clinic JT got his chemo treatment, some antibiotics, chest x-ray and they took some blood cultures. The treatment went well and the chest x-ray came back okay. So doped on some antibiotics and Tylenol JT was given his walking papers and Jenn was given the orders to keep an eye on all the typical things. Tonight, James started off well but at about 6pm he began shivering, got sick and spiked yet another temp. Jenn called MCCP and Dr. Rossi gave us permission to give some more Tylenol and watch the temps. Then at 9:30 Dr. Rossi called and told us that the lab had contacted her and JT's blood cultures had, in fact, come back positive for infection and that he'd need to be admitted. So out the door we went. I dropped Jenn and JT off at Camp Maine Med at 10:15 and he was admitted.

We're not quite sure what the infection is yet, but if history is any lesson he'll probably be in for a couple of days. My fingers are crossed that it is as smooth as the last time. For now though it's time to rest.

Take care,


The Beaumont Family said...

We have been reading your blogs to check in on James. Hopefully he will have a good rest at the hospital and a positive outcome. We will continue to keep him in our prayers.
*Zack would like to know if James has seen Walli?
Best Wishes,
Rick, Jen and Zack

pixie said...

We all send wishes for James to be cleared of infection & go HOME!!!!!! Pixie , Donna & Marley..

pixie said...

We wish quick hospital visit , healing of infection & home again jiggity jig..Pixie & gang