Sunday, July 20, 2008

Infection Update....

The doctors have narrowed down the infection to what family it belongs and we are now waiting for confirmation as to which family member this bugger is. Imagine, if you will, you were to visit the Taylors and were greeted by awful stench. You know that one of the Taylors stinks (the family). Then in your investigation you find out that, Jack (the family member) has pooped his pants. Of course, instead of "eliminating" Jack, we'd probably just "eliminate" the offensive issue.

Anyhow, once the culprit has been confirmed then the final lab work - the sensitivity - will be done (read: "what antibiotic best kills the darned thing" not "what makes it cry and cuddle") and JT'll be on that antibiotic for 10 to 14 days. It looks as though we'll be discharged on Monday. But not before his regular radiation therapy and his first chemotherapy drug, Vincristine, is administered.

Meanwhile JT is chillin' like a villin'. Watching TV, building Legos and surfing the net sans fever.

Love to you all,

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